FuturePod has now grown to 135 conversations with futures and foresight practitioners from around the world. The number of options can be overwhelming for new listeners.
Here’s the 3 episodes I recommend to people who’ve just discovered foresight that are rich in content yet light on jargon.
EP 117: How hard can it be? – Kristin Alford
Kristin is such a joy to speak with.
In this episode, she connects her futures background to her early career development, and describes how she uses foresight methods to curate immersive museum exhibitions for children and young adults.
EP 61: Evocative and vivid futures – Wendy Schultz
Wendy is a powerhouse in the futures field.
She is an enthusiastic and deeply knowledgeable guest who encourages people to throw themselves into change. Her interview visits upon art, poetry and music; the tools of culture, to create more evocative, vivid and more densely experiential futures, and much more.
EP 2: Deep inquiry and dealing with complexity – Peter Hayward
Peter is a founding co-host of FuturePod, taught me during my Masters, and has had a strong hand in shaping the type of foresight practitioner I’ve become.
I include this episode because Peter has a gift for connecting foresight to familiar concepts, and articulating the way foresight can be useful and the key skills it develops.
FuturePod is still growing and developing, and as it grows I’ll add more signposts like this to help new listeners find their way. What topics would you like a top 3 guide for?