As a co-host of a podcast with over 130 episodes, I’m often asked by new listeners where they should start.

Of course, I answer: “It depends.” It depends on their interests, their familiarity with futures and foresight, their backgrounds. And so I curate a mix tape of episodes I think they will enjoy.

If you enjoy game design and telling stories then you will enjoy these episodes:

EP 27: Making windows where there are walls – John Sweeney

“We’re facing a range of extraordinarily complex issues. The best ideas are going to come from from being creative, being a bit obnoxious, being a bit immature or being playful, within these spaces.”

This interview with John Sweeney lives rent free in my mind. He describes a variety of games and simulations he has developed to make serious scenario work more playful. 

EP 47: Bridging the playful and purposeful – Stuart Candy

“The game was to provide a structure whereby anyone who wanted to could come up with particular ideas for things that could exist in possible futures.”

No discussion of futures games and play is complete without mention of Stuart Candy. He is part of the team behind The Thing From The Future.

This interview dives into the design of this game and storytelling.

EP 36: Inclusion and helping new storytellers – Pupul Bisht

“Until we change the way we tell stories, and until we change who tells the story, it’s probably just going to be a different version of the same story.”

In this episode, Next Generation Foresight Practitioner winner Pupul Bisht speaks with us about Kaavad, a folk storytelling tradition she is using to uncover narratives of alternate and marginalised futures.

It’s always hard to narrow down to just 3 episodes! What others would you recommend?