The future unfolds through a dance

The future never actually arrives. Instead, it unfolds into the present. How? It is a dance choreographed by the intersection of trends and events, the potential and constraints of the present moment, and how we make sense of and respond to these. Options and order...
The future is a space of potential

The future is a space of potential

There isn’t a singular, pre-determined future stretching out ahead of us. In fact, ‘the future’ doesn’t actually exist. What we describe as ‘the future’ is really just our own projections of what we think the future will be. When you have...

Balancing incremental & transformational change

What type of change are you trying to make? Broadly speaking, change falls into 2 categories: Incremental change and transformative change. Incremental change keeps the lights on As the world continues to change and become more complex, our systems and approaches...

What is foresight? (TL;DR edition)

When I introduce myself as a strategic foresight practitioner, I often get a blank look in return. Foresight is a broad field, with loads of applications, abstraction, and methods that can take a long time to wrap your head around. Most folk hearing about foresight...

How do you know what’s probable?

Every decision we make is informed by our beliefs about the future. Most of us don’t have many tools for considering and describing what we think the future probably looks like. For teams leading change to create a new future state, this can be a real problem....