The Manual of Design Fiction is our featured read for September!
The definitive book on design fiction from the originators of the practice, providing a compelling mindset and toolkit for any person or organization grappling with the future and its implications.
This has been a much anticipated read in the Club, and with the recent announcement ofa new print runwe have finally been able to feature it! My only regret is not picking up a copy of the 2023 Work Kit of Design Fiction at the same time…
New reads stick around a while. This book will be discussed inOctober,November&December.
Meanwhile in the Club, there’s still time to read and discuss previously featured books:
Thinking About the Futureby Andy Hines & Peter Bishop
Thinking about the Future distills the expertise of three dozen senior foresight professionals into a set of essential guidelines for carrying out successful strategic foresight. Presented in a highly scannable yet personable style, each guideline includes an explanation and rationale, key steps, a case example, and resources for further study.
You can join a discussion inSeptember,OctoberorNovember
An Incomplete Guide to the Futureby Willis Harman
The industrialised world is undergoing a metamorphosis to a transindustrial society, of which the essential characteristics can already be discerned. We may be the first society in history to be able to identify such a fundamental transformation while it is yet in process – and so to act to reduce the social disruption that accompanies it… We are in the early stages, [Harman] believes, of a change much more far-reaching than the Industrial Revolution. It is a metamorphosis that will transform every institution, every profession, every aspect of modern society.
There’s time for you to join a discussion inOctober
You’re welcome to read along on your own, but if you’d like to:
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then you might like to join us!
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