
Thinking Out Loud

A Foresight-informed Theory of Change

A Foresight-informed Theory of Change

At it's heart, foresight is a practice of engaging with the potential of what the future might hold so we can better play our part in creating a future worth wanting (thanks to Sam Yu for this very catchy phrase). But how does thinking and talking about different...

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When does the future start?

When does the future start?

When I tell the story of how I became a futurist, people are often surprised to learn that my training as an artist was just as helpful for developing my practice as my experience in change, improvement and innovation. On the surface, it might seem there is not much...

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What colour is the universe?

What colour is the universe?

To answer this question, we need to zoom out - wayyyy out. In 2002, astronomers from John Hopkins University set out to answer this question by taking a census of all the observable light in the universe to calculate the average colour. The answer: Cosmic Latte, a...

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Envisioning another world

Envisioning another world

Part of the challenge of transformational change is learning to extend your imaginative capability to see a myriad of ways that the world could be made different. No matter how much reflection and introspection you've done, we all have assumptions and beliefs about...

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Flash Futures 01: Ambient Surveillance

Flash Futures 01: Ambient Surveillance

You read the message again. Counter-productive behaviours have been detected. ​ Your Chronicle is flagged for review. Your watch alerts you to your rising blood pressure, and suggests a minute of slow breathing. What could have triggered this audit? You scan through...

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Finding a path through play

Finding a path through play

How can play help build our resilience and ability to adapt to massive challenges like climate collapse? Last week I had the pleasure of playtesting a new game with the crew from Amble Studio exploring that question. It takes a planetary crisis and zooms in to see how...

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Scenarios as storytelling

Scenarios as storytelling

What does it take to lead change in uncertain times? This week begins with facilitating a 2 day deep dive into change leadership. We start off with a guided tour of different models and theories of change, then explore ways we can greet resistance to change with...

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The future is an emotion

The future is an emotion

If the future doesn't actually exist, what is it? According to my friend and collaborator Liam Mayo, the future is an emotion. It's a feeling we experience when we look around and consider what's possible. I fell in love with foresight because it plays in the space...

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How to begin

How to begin

We all have things we'd like to do, but never quite begin. In the last few months I've had a lot of firsts: First design and testing of a game First creation of a digital product, The Future Does Not Exist​ First set up of a podcast from scratch (FuturePod was well...

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Wabi Sabi Futures

Wabi Sabi Futures facilitates exploration at the edge of where futures, foresight, change leadership, and arts practice intersect.

I live and work on the lands of the Wurundjeri Woi Wurrung, part of the Kulin nation, in Naarm (modern-day Melbourne).

A rainbow background behind text reading: All sexualities, genders, identities, cultures are welcome here



Futures Sampler for Change Agents

Thinking Out Loud



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